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Аудиокнига - Never Turn Back (Unabridged)
Автор - Christopher Swann

На нашем сайте можно слушать аудиокнигу бесплатно Never Turn Back (Unabridged). Автор: Christopher Swann, Жанр: Новинки / Мистика / Ужасы. Так же Вы можете слушать полную версию онлайн без регистрации на сайте KnigiAudio.online или прочесть краткое содержание, предисловие (аннотацию), описание и ознакомиться с отзывами о произведении.

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The bonds of family never truly let go.In fact, its grip only tightens the further you try to run: crushing and crippling.Ethan Faulkner is a precocious child with a brilliant but troublesome sister, a war vet for a father, and a weary mother trying to manage their family. One night a young woman rings their doorbell, desperate to hide from two men who are pursuing her, when one of the two barges in after her. The struggle leaves both of Ethan's parents dead.Years later, Ethan has a successful teaching career and a budding relationship with a coworker. But he hasn't quite followed through on his promise to his dying father-to take care of his sister. Susannah is not an easy person to keep tabs on, is a handful even when the tabs are kept, and quite frankly, Ethan wants her to suffer for preventing him from getting to his dad before he died all those years ago.It was a long time ago and Ethan tries to put all of it behind him. But that's easier said than done. When news of a brutal murder breaks with evidence pointing to Ethan as the prime suspect, all the painful memories of his past come rushing to meet him. Lyrically conveyed with emotion and nuance, Never Turn Back is a powerful story about family, vengeance, and how some actions echo through the years with irreparable consequences.

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Михаил 19 апреля 2024 23:33
Эта аудиокнига захватывает с первых минут и не отпускает до самого финала. Захватывающий сюжет, динамичные персонажи и неожиданные повороты делают ее невозможно отложить. Отличное исполнение и яркая атмосфера делают эту аудиокнигу настоящим литературным шедевром.